Wow, that’s odd. When he phones me I can barely hear him, and on TV and radio — well, clearly all the electronics in my home are improperly calibrated.
I guess when you’re wracking your brain for a suitably freighted and familiar “angry blowhard” stand in, “Rush Limbaugh” springs to mind.
Of course, those of us who’ve actually listened to Limbaugh’s show would have little trouble distinguishing his 60-year-old’s cigar-cured Missouri baritone from… oh wait, as if Kay has ever listened to Rush Limbaugh! What am I thinking?
Anyhow: that’s just the first paragraph.
We haven’t gotten to “clinical mental illness” yet!
Kay redeems himself at the end, admitting that Levant has bigger balls than he does.
But to borrow one of Kay’s very own complaints against Ezra, I just wish I didn’t have to wait 1200 words for him to say it.