5 Feet of Fury

Bernie Farber: not just obsessed with dead Jews anymore

In a lead up to a possible appointment to — God help us all — the Human Rights Commission, Bernie Farber widens the scope of his interest to include… gay Ugandans.

Of course, he’s just “calling on Canadians” to “something something something” in the Globe & Mail and not actually, you know, going to Uganda to help actual gays in some way.

Cuz that would involve actual work!

Meanwhile, Scaramouche is not amused as CIJA forms new squad to help protect Jewish targets of vandalism and worse — without mentioning why a place like Canada needs such things:

That’s pretty rich coming from a “human rights” grifter.

The real sad reality is that Canada has opened its doors to untold numbers of hateful people, some of whom may want to harm the Jews, and [Karan] Mock’s “human rights”/muliticulti agenda dovetails perfectly with their desire to put the kibosh on our freedom and insert sharia into our body politic.