5 Feet of Fury

Most women’s jobs could be performed by highly trained chimps

Captain Capitalism dares to ask the unaskable question about daycare — why do you bother?

Is it worth paying somebody else to raise your kids? (…)

Yes, let us not factor in the costs of therapists, drama, mental health costs, teenage pregnancies, booze/drug rehab, divorce and all the other wonderful societal traits associated with the latch key kids. 

You know how I feel about women in the “work”place already.

PS: a shout out to the Filipino nannies who tsk behind their bosses’ backs, when they get together over whatever it is that they eat, and bitch about how their selfish rich Western female employers “pay someone else to look after their kids.”

To whit:

Who the f*ck is looking after YOUR damn kids back in Manilla?

And why can’t you people get your act together?