5 Feet of Fury

”Not showing up to riot’ is a failed conservative policy’


I don’t believe in a higher standard for conservatives. I think that’s a trap.

I LOVE divisive rhetoric.

Divisive rhetoric reveals what our enemies are really like — and who our friends really are.

Remember: the outrageous outrage about divisive rhetoric is selective and subjective.

PJ O’Rourke can entitle a book Republican Party Animal and dance on (deserving) people’s graves and fantasize about killing the guys in Easy Rider and the kids at Kent State and… nuthin’.

Ann Coulter has written things indistinguishable from PJ O’Rourke in a double blind test, and she’s Satan (on the left and the right.)

Just make sure YOU mean what you say and that it is based upon your principles, and your aren’t just going along with that day’s talking points out of panic or confusion or fear of pissing someone important off or helping the “wrong” person get elected.

If you don’t lie, you don’t have to remember what you said.
