5 Feet of Fury

As I was saying: ‘Limbaugh doesn’t actually have a job he can be fired from’

James Fulford challenges the received conservative wisdom re: Slutaquiddick:

Both Ira Stoll at Reason Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto seem to think that this Rush Limbaugh affair is a distraction from the “serious business” of Obamacare and contraception:

They’re wrong.

The war for freedom of expression is much more important than Obamacare, because with no freedom of expression, how could anyone fight Obamacare? After all, you’re fighting Obama, which is racist, and “women”—extreme feminists—which is “misogynist.”

Reason and the WSJ will find themselves shut down unless they stand and fight, as we in earlier controversies have done with them.

Ironically, Limbaugh has, in reality, played it safe for years (…)

But now they are coming for Rush Limbaugh anyway. Too bad. There has to be a moral in this somewhere.