5 Feet of Fury

Jews don’t run Hollywood after all! My latest at Taki’s


Alas, calling a Christian philosemite such as Coren a Jew-hater is depressingly easy (if a tactic with mixed results in this particular case).

However, aren’t Seinfeld reruns and shows such as Curb Your Enthusiasm—both pickled in “cosmopolitan” secular liberal Jewishness—among the biggest (if inadvertent) carriers of anti-Semitism going?

Hell, I cringe when I catch Joan Rivers, Fagin-like, pawing and hawking her paste jewelry on shopping channels, and I’m a shiksa.

I doubt Rabbi Boteach (who cultivates associations with A-list celebrities) will ever dare to condemn showbiz’s perpetuation of Jewish stereotypes.

Perhaps a shande far di goyim isn’t part of his vocabulary.

UPDATE — ConservativeInTheCloset comments:

[Boteach] seems to not understand the disconnect between his clear pursuit of celebrity and how that puts him at odds with traditional Jewish values like personal modesty.

He is vain about his intellect, and admits that his children have castigated him for the way he often speaks to his wife (put downs, disappointment).

Clearly, while battling his family demons, he puts on a very cool show in public, making a living with a penchant for publicity.

You do have to wonder about his association with Michael Jackson — how one could possibly reconcile befriending such a drug-addicted, troubled (accused pedophile). Would he have let Michael Jackson come over for Shabbos and stay in a room with his sons?

UPDATE — Michael Savage had something to say about Jews and Hollywood on last night’s show: