5 Feet of Fury

‘Only a stop sign that should have prevented the van from entering into oncoming traffic…’

“but somehow failed to do so.”

Why does the Globe & Mail hate white people, just like Maclean’s does?

I guess the Globe & Mail is too busy working on its new headquarters to oversee what the hell gets printed in its pages these days.

I don’t know a single human being who still reads the Globe & Mail.

Why not read HoM instead? He writes:

The stop sign?!!! You’re gonna blame the freakin’ stop sign?!!! ‘Cos it should have been, what… more forceful? More stoppy?

Or is it just possible… even in a culture that apparently values diversity above common-sense… to apportion some of the blame here to van driver David Blancas-Hernandez?

Yeah, you know… the guy who apparently blew through that stop sign… a man who, in violation of Canadian law, had been driving without the proper license for years.

And what of Chris Fulton, by all accounts a hard-working family man and professional driver… a man who played by the rules and was on his way home to celebrate his wedding anniversary?

Pointedly, he gets mentioned, only once by name… and I quote…

“Chris Fulton, the Canadian truck driver whose rig hit the van.

Well, the inference there seems pretty clear, if not actually libelous...