5 Feet of Fury

Dear Official Jews: you don’t own the copyright on the word ‘Hitler’

That’s my headline, not Ezra Levant’s:

He stood up and whined to the Speaker of the House of Commons that Larry Miller shouldn’t be allowed to compare anything to Hitler — or at least anything the dear Liberal Party has done. He wanted that comparison banned.

Miller did not call Cotler a Nazi, or compare him to Hitler.

Miller noted that Hitler relied on gun control.

Are we seriously not allowed to remember that part of Hitler’s plan? Because Irwin Cotler so loves gun control, we’re not allowed to mention that a brutal dictator did, too?

What other parts of the Holocaust does Irwin Cotler not want us to be able to talk about? What other words does Cotler want us to ban?

Irwin Cotler is a doddering old fool.