5 Feet of Fury

CNN: that irritating background noise at the airport

Vulture makes temporary sense, quickly devolves into anti-white racism:

Ten years ago, this predictable game plan was irritating, yes, yet somewhat reassuring: It created the illusion of a virtual community. The networks acted as mood rings that absorbed and intensified whatever the public was feeling about the late celebrity. People instinctively turned to them not just to supplement rumor with sparse facts, but to be reassured that they weren’t alone, that there were more people out there who cared. Even if the blather was melodramatic, stunned fans were feeling melodramatic and the unending parade of photos and video made for a reassuring collage of grief.

But now, as people head to Twitter and Facebook to publicly profess their misery and post the relics they’ve dug out of YouTube, the news networks’ last shred of incidental usefulness in these types of stories has been rendered moot...