5 Feet of Fury

‘Is it possible there’s a separate gene that makes people annoying?’

Jim Goad:

But as an inveterate mocker of leftist contradictions, I will note that the SAME people who are INSISTING homosexuality is entirely genetic are precisely those who for generations now have denied and dismissed the idea that “race” or “gender” are anything more than “social constructs.” When it comes to race and gender, they will only accept environmental explanations; but when it comes to what you do with your naughty bits, they will only permit biological alibis. For race and gender, it’s 100% “nurture”; for sexuality, it’s 100% nature. Like always, they make no sense. But I enjoy watching how they struggle to fit straight pegs into gay holes.

Approximately half the people who’ve identified themselves as “gay” to me from the mid-80s on are now straight or enjoyed opportunistic straight hook ups on a semi-regular basis. Some were “gay until graduation,” others were middle aged.

This doesn’t count the ones who are dead.

BONUS — my ever-popular “Get Your Stories Straight” post seems relevant here.