Would the CBC have chatted outside the courtroom with a “men’s rights” activist, (whose salary is paid for by tax dollars) who insisted there was nothing special about the Montreal Massacre, Muslims shot up classrooms full of women all the time, Canada was plagued by feminist matriarchy and besides, we should change the word from “manslaughter” because it has the word “man” in it?
Would the CBC have asked Canadians if “they agreed with the verdict” of life without parole for 25 years?
And about that “femicide” thingie — Phyllis Chesler writes:
Such behavior is typical, not unusual, among some immigrants who may be living in the West but whose hearts and minds remain in the East.
I found precisely these patterns in two studies that I published about honor killing in Middle East Quarterly in 2009 and 2010.
Western-style domestic violence and even domestically violent femicide is not the same as an honor killing.
For example, Westerners rarely kill their young daughters nor do Western families of origin conspire or collaborate in such murders. While Sikhs, and Hindus, (mainly in India), do commit honor killings, the majority of such murders in the West (91%) are Muslim-on-Muslim crimes.
Exit question:
Why are we wasting billions of dollars and precious Canadian lives killing people like this in Afghanistan AND inviting them to live in our country?
How much have Muslim immigrants cost us all in terms of social services, law enforcement, lawsuits like those against Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn, and criminal court costs — not to mention wear and tear on schools, hospitals and infrastructure?
Are all those terrible cab rides really worth it, Canada?