5 Feet of Fury

Mass immigration from Jamaica, Pakistan was class warfare

As generations of working class “scum” tried to tell you.

Derb writes:

The folly of all that is now obvious.

The curious thing is that cranky, semi-literate old dad, firing off his misspelled letters to the local rag, was right on those issues, while all the credentialed panjandrums of politics, academia, business, and the media were wrong. For all his lack of education, dad was no fool.

I recall Lord Melbourne’s observation:

“What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”

That’s why it was considered a federal matter that the people who posted this poem on an obscure website be punished:

The Official Jews, their lawyers and other privileged people could not allow ordinary Canadians to speak on the internet the way they did around the card tables and on the porches of my childhood.