Being a decent person, Phyllis Chesler is puzzled:
Even then, I could not understand how these bright, privileged women could betray themselves and the pressing cause of women only to sacrifice their very lives for male or patriarchal concepts of revolution and anti-racism.
Closer to home: Had they learned nothing about what ultimately happened to many white women who worked in the American civil rights movement? We were routinely “hit on” by black men — and by leftist white men too. Had they utterly failed to note that black psychopaths and criminals, as well as those who hated “whitey,” had taken over the Reverend Martin Luther King’s brilliant non-violent movement?
Joining the Weather Underground (or the SLA) let some women indulge their “Pirate Jenny” fantasies.
Oh, and get “hit on” by black men.
And Wikipedia is down today, but I emailed her a link to the Squamish Five entry, re: the Red Hot Video bombings.