5 Feet of Fury

The ‘poor’ are the rich Jesus warned you about

Via the Captain:

Right now we do not champion the producers or innovators of society. We champion the losers.

All of our efforts and focus is on people who are unemployed, underemployed, old, aging, decrepit, oppressed, disadvantaged, blah blah blah. And so we tax people who produce stuff and transfer it to those who don’t produce stuff. (…)

There is no other choice. The system is bankrupt and the currently policies pursued by the government are not sustainable.

You think you’re in poverty NOW?

Just wait until there is NO government check.

A commenter observes something I see everywhere (and it’s the way I’ve been living for years now):

In Britain we have something called ‘positive descrimination’ which is why many of my Engineering friends have been looked over in favor or dirt cheap imported Indian workers. All the female Engineers from my Uni got great jobs immediatly to meet gender quotas. Go to any large British city and try to spot the White person.

Young men are starting to opening talk about ‘the problem’. (…)

Punished for producing? What’s the solution?

Simple. Produce enough for yourself and do whatever the f**k you want.