5 Feet of Fury

Canadian ‘Human Rights’ agency found guilty of ‘human rights’ violations

Bwa ha!

Late afternoon on June 10, 2010, Pembroke said he received an order from Chotalia via a superior to “urgently” photocopy “voluminous” material that would have prevented him from picking up his son on time from day care.

But before you cheer too loudly…

My husband reads between the lines, whereas MSM can’t be bothered. He points out:

Shirish Chotalia was considered guilty by her staff of 3 things:

1) She was a Harper Appointee — that’s very bad

2) She expected staff to actually perform the work of the tribunal — a crime in the eyes of union parasites

3) She is a minority who went “off the reservation” a grievous sin in the eyes of the leftists who had the run of the place prior to her arrival.