Here’s how Nenshi defended turning a blind eye to law breaking:
“It’s funny, the number of people who have talked to me in the last couple of days who have said ‘the Occupy Calgary people need to get off Olympic Plaza so that all citizens can have rights to their front lawn.’ And I say, OK, so all citizens except the ones you don’t like should have a right to the front lawn. Because all means all in my opinion.”
All means all.
Unless they’re Christians having a peaceful, drug-free, sex-free celebration of Christmas in the people’s “living room.” Then Nenshi sends in boys with the billy clubs. For a pastor singing Christmas carols and reading Bible passages.
BTW: we’re assured that Nenshi isn’t gay, but like 90% of leftwing big city males, he acts like he is so he might as well be.
So for once, we’re not dealing with a gay bully attacking Christians, which makes for a nice change.