5 Feet of Fury

I told you Brian Lilley would be the break out star of Sun News

There’s just something about us people from Hamilton, huh?

Born and raised in Hamilton, Lilley is actually a jack of all trades — from bricklayer, painter, cook and waiter at a 24-hour diner, to actor, factory worker, Second Cup manager, gas station manager, and Greenpeace canvasser. (…)

It makes him laugh–so does all the hubbub about his hair. Lilley’s had the same hairdo and sideburns since the ’80s. (…)

His biggest accomplishment, he says, is staying married for 13 years. “I think they’ve moved the gold watch down to 14 years!” jokes the irreverent host, who lives in Ottawa with his wife, four kids, ages seven to 11, along with two dogs and two cats.