Canadians are boycotting them back! will be launching radio ads across Canada, encouraging Canadians to stand up for ethical, Canadian oil and boycott Chiquita for their decision to rely on conflict oil from some of the world’s most odious regimes.
The ad will play on radio stations across Canada next week — Listen here.
Why not re-write the famous “I’m a Chiquita banana/ and I’m here to say…” jingle, in the comments over at or at your site?
The jokes and photoshops write themselves!
Ever wondered where the expression ‘banana republic’ came from?
It was inspired by Chiquita’s horrible labor and human rights abuses once upon a time. These abuses actually helped the spread of communism throughout Latin America.
Now Chiquita’s trying to salvage its anti-left reputation by embracing… Saudi conflict oil!?
This entertaining, fact-filled video starring Ezra Levant tells the tale:
I know: boycotts can be a pain.
But this one might be fun!