5 Feet of Fury

December 6: It’s ‘Never Hear the End Of It Day’ here in Canada

Yesterday I was on Ezra Levant’s show, talking about Canadian Muslims with guns shooting up public places — and it wasn’t even December 6!
(That’s the t-shirt I wore on the show, since people asked…)

During the flea market robbery we touched on, a brave fellow wrestled one of the Muslim gunmen to the ground and held him until police arrived, taking a shot to the stomach for his troubles.

Alas, none of the young able bodied men of Montreal could be bothered doing that.

Anyhoo: Canadian Muslims do quite a bit of woman-killing but the Official Feminists are strangely silent on that front. Oddly enough!

Since the Ruger Mini-14 has been in the news again lately, let’s review:

The answer is that he entered a lecture hall containing about 60 students, holding a rifle with at most 30 rounds of not very powerful ammunition.

That is, it was lethal, but it didn’t have stopping power, and he could have been disarmed by someone willing to fight back.