5 Feet of Fury

Stix calls bullsh*t on ‘Colored Only’ signs


I am focusing so much on Major Coleman, because racist black college professors have a history both of committing criminal acts against whites, and of conspiring after the fact with those who have committed such crimes. I am also focusing on him, because he immediately sought to cash in on the hoax. Campus race hoaxes are almost always tied to racist black shakedowns.

Approximately 20 years ago, black supremacist City College of New York professor Leonard Jeffries made terroristic threats to Jews and staffers of the New York Post.

And approximately 10 years ago, at a school where black “students” destroyed an entire press run of a school newspaper that contained an advertisement taken out by David Horowitz, arguing against paying reparations for slavery, the “students” revealed their identity to a black professor who advocated on their behalf. The prof should have been arrested, as academics do not enjoy the client-attorney or doctor-patient privilege, or clerical confidentiality. The professor was an accomplice, after the fact.