5 Feet of Fury

Occupy Wall Street: basically Jonestown but with (sadly) fewer corpses

From our “All the other students at Kent State” file comes Terry Glavin:

That a great amount of ashes and garbage are what it will leave behind is already beyond debate. For the zombies that brought on Occupism’s auto-cannibalism it was the whole point in the first place.

“Revolutionary suicide” is what the murderer, serial embezzler, and drug addict Huey Newton called it back in the late 1960s, when the doomsday cults that have so effectively infantilized left-wing activism got their start. (…)

Before the born-again Stalinist demagogue Jim Jones took Huey Newton’s suicide wish to its logical and revolutionary conclusion in the swamp down in Guyana to which he and his People’s Temple followers had decamped from imperialist San Francisco, he counted among his celebrity admirers the likes of Democratic party machine boss Walter Mondale and California governor Jerry Brown.

It was on this very day, Nov. 17, 1978, that Jones delivered his final “revolutionary suicide” speech and bequeathed his cult’s $8 million fortune to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The next morning, 918 men, women and children lay dead in the jungle after having ingested cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Angela Davis stuck with Jones to the end. So did Huey Newton.

The aborted lunacy of Occupism is now descending into merely a Jonestown of the Imbecilities…