5 Feet of Fury

Holiday in Jerusalem: Jello Biafra went to Israel and all he got…

Was this smackdown from a guy I know who actually lives there, after I sent him Jello’s blog post.

Actual Israeli writes to me:

“I started reading but had to stop when the nausea got to bad…

“this guy is so out of his league its sad. he is as biased and closed minded as any ‘progressive’ I’ve ever met or read.

“he gets most of his information from like minded people which only reinforces his beliefs.

“he does not really engage in serious conversation with anyone right of center (for him the Likud is ‘extreme right wing’ and Meretz in only ‘left leaning’).

“he’s wrong on facts. (Lieberman never suggested expelling Arabs. the so-called ‘loyalty bill’ doesn’t even apply to Arabs. land swaps are part of the negotiation. he calls the occupation ‘illegal’. its not.

“he is repulsed by the notion of moving Arabs from one citizenship (Israeli) to another (Palestinian), without moving out of their home, even though they define themselves as Palestinian. he doesnt bat an eye at the notion of forcibly moving 300,000 Jews from their homes and making Palestine ‘Free of Jews.’

“here’s an example of is warped thinking:

Like America, well-funded extremists have succeeded in shifting the Israeli mainstream further and further to the right.

“really? maybe its because every time we turned to peace we got rockets and suicide bombers? maybe Israeli turned to the right because they are the ones who have to put up with the death and destruction offered to them by Arabs? maybe its reality that shaped people’s minds and not your lofty ideas and conspiracy theories you dumb fuck.

“here”s another:

‘We’re surrounded by people who want to kill us. What are we supposed to do?’ I’d never thought of it that way before. I didn’t know what to say.

“well, maybe, just maybe you should rethink how you think about it.

“and theres probably more… I just couldn’t keep up with his bullshit.

“most of all – who the hell does this guy think he is??? comes here for a week and now he can judge? i dont remember hearing of politicians going on singing tours. why do singers/artists feel the need to go political?

“by cancelling his show (which by the way I’ve never heard of) he is not making any difference but fueling hate and encouraging ignorance. (and you can tell him I said so).”