5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn pens last thing you ever need to read about ‘Occupy’

Just one more.

Yeah, I know it hurts, but only for a second.

You’ll thank me later…

It’s the voice of youth, yet everything about it is cobwebbed. (…)

[Take] the photograph in Forbes of Rachel, a 20-year-old “unemployed cosmetologist” with remarkably uncosmetological complexion, dressed in pink hair and nose ring as if it’s London, 1977, and she’s killing time at Camden Lock before the Pistols gig. Except that that’s three-and-a-half decades ago, so it would be like the Sex Pistols dressing like the Andrews Sisters. Are America’s revolting youth so totally pathetically moribund they can’t even invent their own hideous fashion statements?

Last weekend, the nonagenarian Commie Pete Seeger was wheeled out at Zuccotti Park to serenade the oppressed masses with “If I Had A Hammer.” As it happens, I do have a hammer. Pace Mr. Seeger, they’re not that difficult to acquire, even in a recession. But, if I took it to Zuccotti Park, I doubt very much anyone would know how to use it, or be able to muster the energy to do so.

So just to nail it down, in case you’re still a bit confused:

Why are agents of the State (politicians, cops, public sector unions) “enabling” their arch-enemies, the “anarchists”?

Because those “anarchists” are actually calling for more State control over our lives.

(Except when they aren’t: they don’t like “government bailouts” — because those go to the rich, privileged leisure class — who actually were, at least during one far away time, “productive” people who built their own wealth.)

No, they want their own “government bailout” in the form of college loan relief/free health care/free pot/welfare, so they too can be rewarded for what they perceive as noble “hard work” (going to college, being artistic) and what the rest of us perceive as decadent, privileged leisure.


Students with such high opinions of themselves are angry that others less aware—young bond traders, computer geeks, even skilled truck drivers—make far more money.