5 Feet of Fury

Dear Jonathan Kay: My attic is full. Try next door…

Dear Kelly McParland:

Nobody “needs” the National Post, either.

It certainly hasn’t served any “legitimate everyday use” for a few years now.

In fact…

Maybe some “official” could, you know, look into that…

Sigh. Gun debate at National Post doesn’t seem to include any gun owners, but I’ll read it again.

Too many hilarious bits to highlight, but here’s one:

McParland: Because no one tried very hard. The Liberals wanted a registry for political purposes and let it run roughshod. The Tories just wanted to close it so never made it work. The idea of being tougher on guns wasn’t the problem, it was the horrific incompetence of the implementation. Why do I think “officials” can make rational evidence-based decisions? Because they do in practically every other facet of life.

Selley: “Because they do in practically every other facet of life.” I don’t even know what country you’re talking about.