5 Feet of Fury

Ambushing people on their doorsteps: Canada’s national broadcaster imitates OJ Simpson

Ezra Levant’s addition thoughts on the ongoing “This Hour…” “controversy.”

BONUS: CBC sells broadcast rights to Little Mosque on the Prairie to anti-Semitic Iranian station!

My husband breaks the story:

This presents a bit of a quandry for Steven Harper who recently promised to get tough with Iran. Is letting IBNtv air Little Mosque a greater punishment than yanking it?

Shouldn’t the CBC be penalized for trading with sanctioned nations? IBNtv is based in Tanzania but is clearly an Iranian propaganda outlet. IBNtv is run by the Ahlul Bayt Foundation of Iran via it’s Tanzanian proxy the Al Itrah Foundation. Alhul Bayt operates openly in Canada but is banned in over a dozen nations.