5 Feet of Fury

George Carlin: unfunny in life, leaves petulant legacy

Family and fans want street named after George Carlin.

Nearby Catholic church opposes re-naming, cuz, uh, Carlin made a good living denouncing Catholicism.

As usual, “liberal” family and fans express surprise at whole “actions have consequences” thing; suddenly become the people they hate, and blame the victim; Catholic church obviously “uptight” and “asking for it,” I guess.

Must have been the mini-skirt.

And remember, liberals know what’s best for everybody — and you’ll get it good and hard!

We’re also puzzled as to why anyone would think that Carlin would like the idea.  It’s the second article that the Times has done on the alleged controversy. There seems to be weak sentiments on both sides. The quotes in the article and the comments that follow it aren’t particularly passionate. And the petition itself has garnered only 2,800 signatures as of early last month.

Perhaps the comment from “Mark Ryan” of Long Island put it right when he said, “No, Carlin wouldn’t like the idea of a street being named for him, but it’s not for him, it’s for us.”

SHECKY magazine adds:

The minute we say “fuck” onstage, we pretty much kiss a career in politics goodbye. We relegate ourselves to a substrata of society that really can’t (and often shouldn’t) be taken seriously. At least that’s the way it was in the past. We were outlaws, outcasts, folks who, with rare exceptions (Al Franken?), don’t aspire to power or pine for conventional accolades, nor do we care about such niceties as having streets named after us.

Recently, though, we notice a passive-aggressive attitude on behalf of comics who wish to be taken seriously and who wish to simultaneously take a dump on society and be accepted, even venerated, by that same society. They want to have their cake and eat it too. It’s curious and just a little tiny bit embarrassing.