5 Feet of Fury

But I also don’t want a Church that’s ‘wrong’ when I’m ‘right’

So there’s that.

Whenever somebody counsels me to “challenge my assumptions,” 90% of the time they’re asking me to challenge assumptions I challenged already when I was 16 years old, so, naw, I’m good thanks.

(Yeah, I’m a brat.)

One thing Mark Shea and I agree on here is that a document issued from something called “The PONTIFICAL Council of…” isn’t “nothing.”

Trying, with the best of intentions, to throw off Catholic-haters by shouting, “Nothing to see here!” isn’t doing the Church any favors either.

Because the next logical question — which I’ve raised at this blog — is: well, if it’s “nothing”, why does the Church employ all these “nothing” councils and departments (she asked stupidly)?

(See “brat” above.)

PS: I thought the neo-cons were dangerously delusional for insisting (see Bush’s second inaugural) that all human beings crave “liberty” — and should, therefore, have “liberty” thrust upon them?

The evidence of my senses demonstrates that, alas, this is false.

Can I also add at this point in the discussion, since it seems more necessary this week than usual, that Chesterson wasn’t Jesus.