5 Feet of Fury

Calling on Hudak: pledge to abolish Human Rights Tribunals (update)

Never happen, but good column:

Hudak has the ability to make it topical again. The commission is supposed to be adjudicating legitimate human rights violations. Instead, it goes about creating them. It’s become an activist organization of unaccountable employees waging their own interpretations of how we should behave all while using our tax dollars to do it.

The second reason is fear. The PC party is afraid of how the public will interpret this pledge.

But the only people who should fear the issue are Dalton McGuinty and Andrea Horwath. Hudak should imagine them squirming before the cameras, either uncomfortably agreeing with him or trying to explain why they’re not against state censorship.

Brian Lilley responds:

…from years of discussing this with reporters from all kinds of news organizations I have a good idea of how it would be reported.

“Tim Hudak hates brown people” is what the headlines would read.

Even with cases like “the smelly lunch,” that saw a woman’s house nearly taken from her to pay a woman who had been fired, most reporters seem to back these human rights rackets as a good idea that gets stuff wrong now and again.