5 Feet of Fury

‘The 9/11 Conspiracy guys are liars. Here’s how it started…’

There was a teenager named Dylan Avery…

From Cracked.com, one of the greatest unsung sources of  news and commentary on the web.

This is one of their best:

He sat down and started writing a FICTIONAL SCREENPLAY about he and his buddies finding out 9/11 was a government conspiracy. Fictional. Sort of an The X-Files episode. Avery mentions this in every interview he does.

Since he had no money to film his own movie, he started cutting together video and photos off the internet, creatively editing them to make them scary and ominous, cutting the visuals to fit the story, making a fake documentary. Like Spinal Tap, only about mass murder.

But then…

Conspiracy buff Phillip Jayhan ambles into Dylan’s life, waving around a sweaty wad of money. Jayhan, by the way, says the world is run by a massive satanic cult that enslaves prominent politicians by delivering kidnapped boys for them to molest and then blackmailing them about it later. (…)

Jayhan offered to pay for Avery to get his little film off the ground. Only, the thing is, Jayhan didn’t think it was fiction…


Bernard Brown was a Pentagon employee. His 11 year-old son died on board Flight 77 (the one that hit the Pentagon). The father happened to not be at work that day, or else you could have had the horrific situation where the son would have been a hostage on the plane that, upon crashing, killed his own father.

Remember this is a real, actual person, who actually lost his son.

Now listen to Avery say that Bernard Brown was in on the conspiracy and intentionally took a day off to “go play golf” while his own son…

…was being burned alive in a plane crash he helped plan. Playing golf, while his son dies. (…)

Dylan Avery, who knows this is fiction. Who has seen the evidence he left on the cutting room floor proving these planes were hijacked (…) accuses this grieving father of murdering his own son…

Because it will help sell his movie and advance his film career.