5 Feet of Fury

Chastity Bono is a ‘fat girl’ and ‘nothing but trouble’

The greatest thing you will read today, from WWTDD:

If she wants to tell everyone she’s a boy now, I don’t really give a fuck. She can call herself King of the Dinosaurs and only speak by saying “rawr rawr” for all I care, I just don’t think I should be forced to play along with titles bestowed upon her by the voices in her head.


I am not obliged to call a delusional individual “Napoleon” or “Jesus” or “Teddy Roosevelt” and refer to them as “transhistorical.”

Had Chastity Bono cut off her legs because she had an amputation fetish, we would not praising her “bravery” — and, not incidentally, she would not have been hired for Dancing

I’m sick of this shit and so are you.

(via, who I don’t hat tip often enough)