5 Feet of Fury

John Cleese: London ‘no longer an English city;’ he can’t live there because taxes are too high

I will never not love the Pythons. I loathe my own father, but not those guys — whom I spent more of my childhood with anyway.

But they were the court jesters of liberalism and “progress.”

If only we could be permitted to enjoy the spectacle of aging progressives being forced to live with the consequences of their passions AND admit personal responsibility for the mess they and we are in.

Alas, the latter eventuality rarely comes to pass.

The Python that ate its own tail

Mr Cleese, 71, told Australian television that London no longer had a ‘parent culture’, and said that in some areas it was impossible to find an English person.

Mr Cleese’s comments – which might be surprising, coming from a prominent supporter of the Liberal Democrats and President Barack Obama – were welcomed by anti-immigration campaigners MigrationWatch.