5 Feet of Fury

Toronto: government security guard asks my husband to observe sharia law on public property (video)

Arnie and some other bloggers went down to Queen’s Park yesterday to cover the annual Al Quds Day rally.

CUPE’s Ali Mallah (who you may remember from a previous video) complained to the cops and security guards.

The assembled Muslims were waving the Hezbollah flag (a banned terrorist group in Canada), calling Jews “blood suckers” and spreading other anti-semitic, conspiratorial lies.

Highlight? Our old pal Zafar Bangash calls Obama “that black man in the White House.”

But the Muslims’ complaint? That Arnie and Co. were “filming their women.”

They asked the cops and the security guard to get Arnie to stop filming.

He didn’t.

I ask again: why do we keep letting these people into our country?