5 Feet of Fury

The real reason Leftists are always exhorting us to ‘think of the children’

They do a lot of thinking about them themselves.

And sometimes more than just thinking…

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is currently the leader of the Green Party movement in Europe. He is hugely influential, highly respected.

He was instrumental in starting the 1968 Paris riots and spent decades marinating in extreme leftist Marxist theory. He’s sort of a legend in Europe as the ultimate pure leftist — his political credentials are beyond reproach (in European terms).

So, what’s the problem?

According to his bio, “Cohn-Bendit worked in the Karl-Marx-Buchhandlung bookshop and ran a kindergarten. In his 1975 book Le Grand Bazar, he described himself as engaging in sexual activities with very young children at the kindergarten.