5 Feet of Fury

‘So what the newspaper told us was a report for NASA written by scientists turns out to be a fun paper written by a few friends…’

Sorry, why do you still read newspapers again?

(Not to mention encourage your children to go to college…?)

The invaluable Donna LaFramboise walks us through this morning’s “NASA” “report” non-news story:

That’s all well and good. But if the academic paper that caught the attention of Guardian science correspondent is any indication of how the current generation of young scientists think, we’ll need to start viewing scientific findings with more than a grain of salt.

You see, the worldview embraced by these youngsters is as depressing as it is astonishing. I’m no longer surprised to learn that arts students have absorbed a humans-are-a-pox-on-the-planet philosophy. But apparently this is now true of our scientifically-trained minds, as well. (…)

This just makes me want to weep.