5 Feet of Fury

My NEW column for PajamasMedia: Showbiz Assassin!

I’ve been asked to write a weekly column about showbiz b.s. for PajamasMedia, so here’s the first installment of my new regular feature, SHOWBIZ ASSASSIN.

Besides celebrity gossip (mostly concerning celebrities with a conservative/libertarian profile; PLUS ones who are notoriously left-wing but just did something stupid again), I’ll be exposing the mainstreaming of pedophilia via pop culture, who attacked which conservative female this week, who died, which movies are on the horizon and why they’ll probably be offensive, and lots more.

Your tips and updates are welcome in the comments!

PS: speaking of updates, here are Opie & Anthony (LANGUAGE WARNING) on the “Carolla vs YUCK” “controversy”, which I cover at length at the column.

(Jim Norton makes an amazing point about how GLADD dragged Tracy Morgen up on stage to apologize and have him stand there with his head basically bowed, the same way they used to put slaves up for sale.)

(PPS: they mention Guy Earle in Part 5, and Jim calls on all comedians to pull their material off iTunes if GLADD asks Apple to pull Carolla’s podcast.)