5 Feet of Fury

Yep, being a ‘sex-worker’ and ‘trans’ ‘activist’ is totally cool and sane. So is having a ‘chosen family’ and getting awards from the Mayor.

Right up to the moment you kill yourself.

If every “job” you’ve ever held in life has to be written with “quotes” around it when trying to explain it to normal people, it’s time to re-evaluate your career.

Isn’t this just inspiring as f***?

Babcock was forced to surrender her son Korin when she was homeless in 2003 (…)

Imagine that!! I thought we were SUPPOSED to LIKE “social services” that looked after poor children. So hard to keep up…

But since that day, she has fought hard to get him back, even giving up sex work. 


But wait, there’s more:

“She could talk to anyone and always had a funny comeback to disarm even the most conservative.”

I’m guessing every one of whom is still, you know, alive.

And isn’t this fabulous?! How much did this cost me?

…she worked in partnership with Regent Park on the Safer Stroll Project, a sex worker and crack user drop-in.

Former Mayor David Miller presented her with Toronto’s inaugural Public Health Champion award in 2008, recognizing outstanding individuals who make outstanding contributions to protecting and promoting the health of Toronto residents.

Because here in the Magical Land of Upside Down, spreading sexually transmitted diseases, dumping your child on state-sponsored strangers, and encouraging illegal drug use is now called “protecting and promoting health”!

You dumbass uptight middleclass bigots and bores are just too stupid and unsophisticated to understand this sh*t.

You probably go to f**king Tim Horton’s!

BTW: has the Mayor given YOU an award lately for working at a real job, not making a public display of your mental illnesses and paying those goddamn property taxes?

Ha, ha! Just joshin’.

Why not write City Hall, ask for an itemized list of every dime this woman (and her son) cost us over 30+ years, and tell them to get that refund cheque to you in the mail today.