5 Feet of Fury

‘How the New York Times Shapes the Narrative It Wants’ — as told by a former reporter

Legal Insurrection:

There is a devastating article at The Jewish Weekly by a former NY Times reporter Ari Goldman, who was on the scene as a primary source reporter for The Times during the Crown Heights riots in New York City in 1991.

Al Sharpton sought to take advantage of the riots, proclaiming “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” 

A little more than a decade later Sharpton would be a featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

Goldman observed the one-sided violence which was overtly anti-Semitic, and reported that information back to The Times, but was shocked when The Times sought to portray the violence as both racially (not religiously) motivated and directed equally by each community against the other.