5 Feet of Fury

My question exactly.

Seems Certain Canadian Journalists — not to mention Bernie Farber — can’t decide whether we filthy bloggers are great sources of free ideas they “borrow” on a regular basis OR we’re the worst racists in the country.

So they stick with both!

Cognitive dissonance?

Fitzgerald’s “sign of a first-rate intelligence”?

Jealousy mixed with craven opportunism?

You decide!

“And anyway, if all us ‘popular’ Canadian bloggers are sooooo disgusting and stuff, then why bother reading us and stealing our stuff and putting them on your mainstream newspapers and letting your columnists run with our ideas and our scoops?

“I guess us hateful bloggers are like the Playboy of the blogosphere, read in the dark-with a flashlight under the covers at night?

“If we’re so yucky and primitive why bother reading us at all?”

It’s worse than that, CC!

We’re “mopeds” — the fat chicks you sneak across town to screw but hope your friends never find out.

Except we can’t even slam the door in their faces next time they show up.

So they’ll just keep doing this crap to us for who knows how long.

But remember:

I play the long game, and have a well stocked memory (as you can see from my choice of illustration.)

You see, once upon a time, a horrible band wrote a horrible song — about a really good question...