5 Feet of Fury

Monzer Zimmo: your tax dollars at, er, work

Remember this dude?

Now, Ezra Levant writes:

There’s nothing illegal about being anti-Israel. But Zimmo seems to have been doing his anti-Israel politicking while he’s on the job. At Moore’s office. During the day. On government computers.

Using a government e-mail account.

Last Friday, someone who claims to be Monzer Zimmo, from Zimmo’s Heritage Canada e-mail address, wrote on a blog he was proud to be part of the Gaza flotilla, and people who don’t like Hamas, well, “tough noogies.”

Again, nothing illegal here.

Except this anti-Israel politicking was done at 1:45 p.m.

That’s when Zimmo is supposed to be working, not campaigning for Hamas.