5 Feet of Fury

Gay brownshirts on the march: more on those ‘anti-bullying’ bullies

Mark Shea coined the phrase above years ago.

Today he writes:

This is a militant crusading intolerant and deeply hypocritical faith that does not hesitate for a second to deploy against its perceived enemies everything it pretends to decry. Hate sex Rape is openly bruited and applauded.

The most miserable schoolyard bullying is just part of the toolkit for these phony apostles of compassion.

These guys are going to wear out their welcome damn fast once they use the force of law to try to hammer people into Goodthink. You can’t beat people into loving your perversion.

Gays are always insisting that people who don’t like homosexuality are “secretly gay.”

But as we’ve been seeing lately, all these “anti-bullying” gays are not so secretly… bullies.