5 Feet of Fury

Yo, belligerent Toronto Muslims: if gender segregation is simply a way to reduce ‘distraction’ during prayer…

and has “nothing to do” with women being seen as inferior to men, then why not put the girls at the front instead of the back, then literally screen them off?

Or put the girls on the right/left hand side, and boys on the other, exactly parallel — again with a screen?

Maybe the girls could get their very own room and imam, and the boys likewise?

Comfortable blindfolds?

Praying in the dark?

Individual cubicles a la study carrels?

You Muslims have had 1400 years to put your supposed genius to work, thinking up one or more alternative arrangements such as those. And you haven’t.

You know why, and so do I:

Because “sitting at the back” of anything is the universal indicator of inferiority, and THAT is precisely what you are intentionally trying to communicate.

(And not on bus owned by a private company, either, but in a public school.)

The leftists currently scurrying to defend this latest example of Muslim belligerence and supremacism are the same ones who’ve spent the last 50 years somberly instructing the rest of us that:

We all await your explanation, latter-day satanic villains leftists & belligerent Muslims, as to just how — to use one of your most treasured expressions —  “this is different...”