5 Feet of Fury

They told me if you all voted for John McCain, blacks would riot in the streets — and they were right!

American Thinker:

The knockout game involves “unprovoked attacks on innocent bystanders,” according to police who have had to deal with it.  A retired officer explained, “Normally it was a group of black males, one of which would strike him as hard as he could in the face, attempting to knock him out with one punch,” says retired Sgt. Don Pizzo.  The victims are typically not robbed, but simply punched with no provocation.  Such attacks have been reported in Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey.

A senior reporter from the Houston Chronicle admits, “We don’t ever include race normally — unless race is made an issue by other people.”  In other words, if racial interest groups make something of the issue, race will become part of the story.  And we all know which racial groups advocate on their own behalf, and which one doesn’t.

The liberal media policy of resolute silence about race and crime may strike a reasonable observer as troubling, given the violence and obvious racial aspect of the knockout game and flash mob attacks.  The net effect of this Orwellian reporting is to place minority feelings above the public interest in safety.  For those of us who are curious about our society and group behavior, who should be able to rely on the professional media, the reporting is worthless.

 Department of Justice statistics show that 33% of white murder victims are killed by a non-white, while only 8% of black murder victims are killed by a non-black

PLUS — Lloyd Marcus explains “Why Obama Still Owns the Black Vote”:

Why are my thought processes so different from most of my fellow black Americans’? Why did I choose to look a bit deeper into the content of Obama’s character rather than my critique of the man stopping at his skin color?

The answer: I am not submissive to the “The Black Code.” Most blacks grow up adhering to an unspoken, subliminally understood Black Code.