5 Feet of Fury

Confirmed: America contains 175,000 weirdos who can more or less read, have $13.95

There is something seriously wrong with all youze.

Question for the nanny statists and kiddie-porn moral panickers who are usually so quick to freak out over the Coppertone Girl:

Is this book not child pornography, too?

Why aren’t you calling for the arrest of the publisher?

However, as I’ve said before, there is also something seriously wrong with these girls (and in one weird case, a boy) who get raped and kidnapped and either a) don’t try to escape or b) smile all the damn time when they get free.

If you raised you child in such a way that they just sit around passively playing video games between rapes, you ****ed up.

We’ll see more of this as more children are raised without developing any sense of independent agency — wearing helmets, driven everywhere in the minivan, afraid to eat a peanut or go out without sunscreen for five minutes.

You’re all paranoid about the pedophile next door, so you’re not letting your kids go out and play (and take risks, and make decisions, and do some unsupervised rebelling once in a while)– which means you are the ones doing the “grooming,” Modern Parents.