5 Feet of Fury

Bill Maher’s audience applauds Ann Coulter for insulting somebody’s government-teat mom (video)

Every six months, we’re informed:

“Ann Coulter’s a has-been. Her career is over. We need to throw her under the bus…”

Sometimes even I roll my eyes.

Then I see something like this:

HAYES: My Mom works for the government. She doesn’t have a job-job?

FOREMAN: That’s not a…

ANN COULTER: No. She is a drain on society.


HAYES: Oh. Thank you.

FOREMAN: I wouldn’t go that far.

MAHER: Your mother personally.


MAHER: We want you to know that. Your mother is a drain on…

COULTER: Well, you asked.

HAYES: Ann Coulter thinks you’re a drain on society.

FOREMAN: What Ann means, she’s not a revenue producer. She’s not a revenue producer.

COULTER: Right. She’s a revenue taker.

FOREMAN: No, she’s gainfully employed, but she’s not a revenue producer.

COULTER: No, it’s worse than not having a job, having a government job, because you have somebody doing something nobody wants, taxpayers pay for it, and they can never get rid of them.