5 Feet of Fury

Calendonia: residents finally awarded $20 million, after Indians took over their neighbourhood and police stood by and watched

Yes, this happened in Canada. In this century.

Imagine a Western where the Indians and the cavalry gang up on the settlers…

Today, the expert on the occupation, Christie Blatchford, reports:

It was in February of 2006 that a handful of aboriginals from the nearby Six Nations reserve first walked onto Douglas Creek Estates, a residential subdivision then under construction along the town’s main street.

With the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ontario government determined to handle the occupation as a land claims dispute or “reclamation” the protesters remained unmolested on the land, their numbers and confidence growing. (…)

What happened in the weeks and months after was widespread lawlessness that ranged from the minor to the serious. It included the destruction of an electricity tower (which caused a three-day blackout to the area), the torching of a bridge, the hijacking of a police car with officers inside it and unprovoked assaults by natives upon a local builder, who suffered a permanent brain injury, an elderly couple whose offence was to drive by the site and a Hamilton TV crew who dared try to video-record that.

At the height of the tensions, residents living near the site had to show native-issued “passports” to get to and from their homes and were subjected to native-imposed curfews and arbitrary search and seizure. (…)

In June that year, lawyer John Findlay filed a class action suit on behalf of about 440 residents, 400 businesses and a smaller group of subcontractors who had been involved in the home construction on the site.

“It’s quite a good settlement in terms of a class proceeding,” Mr. Findlay told Postmedia News on Friday, half an hour after the judge approved the deal.

The government has already paid $15.8-million to buy the land from Dave and John Henning, the brothers who were developing the site when it was occupied, and an undisclosed amount to Dave Brown and his wife, Dana Chatwell, who lived immediately adjacent to the site and whose lives and business (Ms. Chatwell had just opened a hair salon in the couple’s home) were destroyed by the occupation.

Though things are quiet now in the pretty town, the occupation persists at a low level. Though the Ontario government, and thus the Ontario people, own the land, only natives are allowed on the site, and the area remains an eyesore.

Of course, those tens of millions of dollars the “government” is paying came out of my pocket, and could have been avoided if the authorities, not to mention the homeowners, had just shot the f***ing Indians as looters, drug dealers and trespassers.


People often ask me: “How do you deal with hate mail?”

The problem is, I actually get very little hate mail from liberals. What I find much harder to deal with is stupid, confused, dumbass criticisms from those supposedly on my side.

I got two emails complaining about my line about “shooting the f***ing Indians…”

Here’s one of the complaints, from someone afraid of being associated with a “racist”:

How would you feel if someone posted a story saying, “homeowners should have just put the f***ing money-grubbing Jews in an oven.”? You and Arnie and every decent person would be outraged at the generalization and the call to violence against Jews, and rightly so.

To paraphrase my reply (in part):

I’m sorry you are afflicted by analog paradigm thinking.

Making poor analogies is, or should be, the realm of the left. They are experts at it.

So is being worried about being called “racist”, especially by “association” — another tool in the leftist toolbox.

It’s a shame that even one of the best, brightest and bravest has signed on to the whole left wing rulebook about rhetoric.

When you agree to play by your enemy’s rules, you have already conceded the game.

The Indians who attacked Caledonia are not the moral equivalent of Jews in Nazi Germany.

They are the moral equivalent of the Nazis.

What if I’d written:

“Those Jewish shopkeepers should have just killed the f***ing looting, rioting, trespassing brownshirts”?

THAT is the literal parallel.

If even you, a Christian law-abiding pacifist with first hand experience with these fascists, can’t (or won’t?) perceive that, or would have objected to that sentence, we are in real trouble.

Our email exchange left me in a crappy mood.

It’s depressing to have to defend people — and this happens a LOT — who just don’t get it.

Timid, very Canadian folks who are living in some 60s paradigm of activism and signing petitions and setting up committees and insisting “this isn’t about diversity” or “this isn’t about multiculturalism” or “this isn’t about race” — when, every single time, it IS — and sticking with their 90s paradigm of rhetoric and publicity.

“Why does Ann Coulter have to be so MEAN??” “We have to work with the authorities.” “Wear a bow tie and get a degree so everyone will know we’re respectable” or whatever.

Then I realized that these exhausting exchanges force me to clarify my thoughts.

And frankly, I’m quite proud of that analogy, above.

I’ve been forced to consider my “style” this weekend– and guess what?

I remain content that it is absolutely fine and I’m right!

Thanks, annoying people!