5 Feet of Fury

The other WTC disaster: A mischievous anti-Semite will have loads of fun with all this

Great work, Official Jews!

This Sept. 11, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks upon America, New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will dedicate the massive, $600 million National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center [me: Which is owned by Larry Silverstein.]

What Americans have not been told is that this “memorial” will remake Ground Zero so that it does not acknowledge 9/11. (…)

The National September 11 Memorial at the WTC will not include the iconic WTC “Sphere” – again, exactly because it is iconic. “The Sphere” stood in the center of the WTC plaza for 30 years as a symbol of world peace. On 9/11, though badly damaged (a piece of one of the planes tore through it) it survived the attacks in place and was embraced by many Americans as a symbol of the nation’s strength and resiliency.

One 9/11 anniversary at Ground Zero, [memorial designer] Mr. [Michael] Arad [Whose father is the former US Ambassador to Israel] told me that returning “The Sphere” would be “didactic.” That is, it would tell us what to think.

Somehow disposing of it is not telling us what to think.

This is like banishing the USS Arizona from the USS Arizona Memorial. (…)

It will not include the initials FDNY, NYPD or PAPD. It will not include the words “firefighter” or “police officer.”

(Such jobs are too goyish…?)

And though Mr. Bloomberg has said our values demand a Ground Zero Mosque, he will not allow the Rev. Mychal Judge, the FDNY chaplain who died while praying the Lord’s Prayer in the lobby of WTC 1, to be identified as “Fire Chaplain Father” Mychal Judge.

PS: what the f***?

Silverstein’s lease with the Port Authority for the World Trade Center requires him to continue paying $102 million annually in base rent.