5 Feet of Fury

Phyllis Chesler needs your help — and provides sobering, depressing insight into the inner workings of the ‘Right’

She writes:

I now face a crisis. One of my two major donors has just had his own funding cut. And, understandably, many philanthropists are planning to put their money down on the next American presidential race. I can’t blame them but I wish they understood that work such as mine will be very helpful in that area.

If my basic operating costs (above) are not covered I must, with great regret and sorrow, cut back if not shut down completely. I cannot bring myself to say that I will resign. There is really no one to take my place. (…)

I knocked on many, many doors for financial support but found none. To my surprise and sorrow, when I first published The New Anti-Semitism, one large Jewish-American organization immediately saw me as unholy competition and not only closed their doors to me but intentionally interfered with my ability to support my work by delivering paid lectures (…)

When I approached various “Kings of the Jews,” all of whom praised my work to high heaven, they either did not answer my requests for funding advice and assistance or sent me on to foundations that never returned my letters or which turned me down flat.

One very supportive Prince among men told me to call a particular foundation that specializes in contemporary anti-Semitism. When I did so (in late 2010), the woman in charge told me that she had never heard of me, was not familiar with my work, and that I was not allowed to call her or to send her any of my articles. (…)

The various conservative think tanks which I approached also complimented me on my work (and invited me to deliver unpaid lectures, which I did). However, they said they could not fund my work and that I could not be affiliated with them unless I brought in a huge “dowry” of my own.

The mainly conservative media outlets for whom I write pay very little (some pay nothing at all) for articles that may take anywhere from two to eight hours each to research and write. Requests for better payment and/or for a grant from these valuable websites and organizations have not been successful...