5 Feet of Fury

Adam Carolla sits down with 20-something evangelical podcaster (audio)

R.J. Moeller:

I am an evangelical conservative in my late 20’s.  Adam is an atheist Independent (perhaps even libertarian) in his mid 40’s.  Dennis is a religious Jew on the Right in his early 60’s.

I am from Chicago.  Adam is from North Hollywood.  Dennis is from the Burroughs of New York City.

And yet we all agree on some very key, very fundamental things about the economy, about centralized power in the hands of the few, about stifling regulation, and about the importance of a strong family unit. I can’t stress how important I think it is to be building these bridges between like-minded Americans.

Great stuff about growing up on welfare.

PS: I am staring longingly at my tickets to Adam Carolla’s Toronto show on July 15.

As long as he doesn’t bash Palin and Bachmann too much, I’ll be happy.

(And I wish he’d do an interview with Ezra Levant when he’s in town…)