5 Feet of Fury

The story is in the comments: Simmering hatred of Toronto cops at… Globe & Mail

Yesterday, a cop at a routine traffic stop was hit and killed by a teenage driver.

To my astonishment, the reaction of many Globe & Mail readers was, “He deserved it.”

I’m not astonished that a number of individuals feel that way, but that they expressed it in public (albeit anonymously.)

Post G20 and Vancouver, animosity towards Toronto cops now spans black and white, middle class and “anarchist.”

Add to that their apparent role as de facto bodyguards for belligerent Muslims, their habit of arresting brave, hard working, law abiding citizens, and their refusal to respond to calls about burglaries — or death threats.

The police are not your friends.

They are union bureaucrats — with guns.

As long as they are hampered from making commonsense decisions due to political correctness and fear of lawsuits (and losing their pensions), the “niceness” of this or that individual cop is of no importance, anymore than I can credit “that nice Muslim” at your office with sanity in the face of massive peer pressure, when the time comes.