5 Feet of Fury

Sportscaster fired over anti-gay ‘marriage’ tweet takes Rogers to Human Rights Commission


Everybody knows that “not a good fit” means “you hold political and social views our liberal workplace finds abhorrent, and which make us feel bad about our particular office ‘culture”?”

Maybe you decline to participate in the annual office fundraising drive, because you believe the United Way contributes to abortion through Planned Parenthood? Maybe you don’t care to attend forced rallies in the cafeteria to learn about “global warming,” or fail to applaud when your boss announces corporate sponsorship for a Gay Pride float.

(I worked in one Toronto office where we were “encouraged” to offer our condolences to an Iraqi-born intern for the U.S. “invasion” that morning…)

How long before “not a good fit” will be seen for what it is, and is challenged outright as just another form of “discrimination”?

Don’t get me wrong: private companies can fire whoever they want. But I’d still like to see a brave conservative ex-employee pull the mask off the liberal “not a good fit” fib?

PS: Damian Goddard be Michael Coren’s guest tonight.